you are the core of what i'm confident will be our next administration . 君のお陰で 次の政権に自信を持って臨める
he is just riding out his term , and if that means leaving a nuclear iran for the next administration to deal with , what's he care ? ただ任期を乗り切ろうと イランが核武装しようが それは次の政権の問題だと
the next administration led by prime minister gonbei yamamoto , with rikken seiyukai (friends of constitutional government ) as mainstream party , worked on reform to curb the influence of the imperial army and navy in civilian government , including the abrogation of the law requiring military-related ministers to be active-duty military officers , but was forced into mass resignation in face of public ire over the corruption scandal involving high-ranking navy officers (siemens scandal ). 続いて設立された立憲政友会を与党とする山本権兵衛内閣は軍部大臣現役武官制の廃止など陸海軍の内閣への発言力を弱める改革に着手したが、海軍高官の贈賄事件(シーメンス事件)の影響により再び国民の怒りを買いに内閣総辞職を余儀なくされた。
next: next adj. 次の, 隣の. 【+前置詞】 I was next in line after him. 列で彼のあとについていた My house is next to the church. 私の家は教会の隣です It is next to impossible. それはほとんど不可能だ I learned next to no asnext to: next to 隣 となり to be next: to be next 来たる 来る きたる administration: administration n. 行政, 統治; 内閣; 管理, 経営(者); 投薬. 【動詞+】 There is a need to centralize the administration. 中央集権にする必要がある During his presidency he gave the country the effective and just adminisnext next: 〈話〉次の次の、隣の隣で◆【同】next but one after the next: (順序{じゅんじょ}などが)次の次で area next to: ~に隣接{りんせつ}する地域{ちいき} as as the next fellow: as as the next fellow ((略式))だれにも劣らず…(=as ... as anybody) She is as sentimental as the ~ fellow. 彼女はだれよりも涙もろい. (Fas ?D?D?D as the néxt féllow ?mmán?C pérson?C wóman?n as explained next: 次に説明{せつめい}するように at the next court: 次回{じかい}の公判{こうはん}で at the next moment: またある時には by next friday: 次の金曜日までに by next mail: 次便で by next monday: 次の月曜日までに by next saturday: 次の土曜日までに